It is a well-known fact that one ingredient can significantly change the taste of a whole dish, making it more expressive, adding flavor or piquant spice. Mustard is one of these secret cooking ingredients. This natural seasoning is an indispensable ingredient of multi-component sauces, marinades, and salad dressings.

European culinary specialists have been using this seasoning since the Middle Ages: they serve mustard with hearty sausages and smoked meat or cook bright author’s sauces based on it. Also, it is impossible to imagine a generous Ukrainian feast without mustard. Baked lard, boiled pork, jellied meat with spicy mustard are tastier and healthier. This spice activates the secretion of digestive enzymes and speeds up digestion.

The mustard products line of the GUSTÓ brand includes hot sauce GUSTÓ Strong Mustard and a softer version — GUSTÓ American Mustard. The GUSTÓ Strong Mustard seasoning will appeal to fanciers of juicy and fatty meat, barbecue, sausages, and the GUSTÓ American Mustard is the ideal ingredient for hot dogs, burgers, cold and hot sandwiches. We advise trying both sauces.

For customers convenience, the GUSTÓ mustard is manufactured in doy-packs of small volumes.

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