
М’ясо у горщику під сирною шапочкою

Meat in hot-pot with cheese

Cut the meat into small pieces, let it dry for about 10 minutes, then salt it and add seasoning. Cut the potatoes into circles.

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М’ясо по-французьки у мультиварці

French-style meat in a slow cooker

Cut the meat into small pieces, let it dry for about 10 minutes, then salt it and add seasoning. Cut the potatoes into circles.

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Курячий шницель у соусі з горгонзолою

Chicken schnitzel in gorgonzola sauce

Cut the chicken breasts horizontally to make thin schnitzels. Soak them in lightly salted milk for at least 30 minutes, (or better for an hour). Dry the meat with a…

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Тефтелі під соусом

Meatballs with sauce

Boil the rice until half cooked in salted water. I used pre-cooked minced meat. If you don't have minced meat, then take pork, twist it in a meat grinder along…

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Смачний шашлик у майонезі

Delicious barbecue in mayonnaise

Cut the washed and dried pork meat into pieces. (Neck part is preferable). Cut the onion into rings, squeeze it to let the juice flow.

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