Mayonnaise “Fine” 72%

Mayonnaise “Fine” 72%
Mayonnaise "Fine" 72% is a new high-calorie sauce with a bright rich taste. It contains many useful substances, as well as linseed oil, which ranks first among all vegetable oils. Our technologists worked for a long time on its recipe to convey the individual and unsurpassed taste of the product. Fine 72% mayonnaise has a thick and creamy texture, so it is ideal for meat, fish and poultry dishes, as well as for dressing salads. Have fun with our new product!

Package type:

  • doy-pack

Available weight:

  • 500 г
  • 300 г
Mayonnaise “Fine” 72% - doy-pack

Package type:doy-pack

Available weight:500 g

Рcs./box:18 pcs

Shelf life:6 mth

Mayonnaise “Fine” 72% - doy-pack

Package type:doy-pack

Available weight:300 g

Рcs./box:30 pcs

Shelf life:6 mth

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